We are a group of writers, artists and activists who think that culture matters.
Culture matters. The arts (films, plays, paintings, music etc.) and culture are liberating. They please the senses, stimulate the mind, arouse emotions, and feed the soul.
Culture matters. The arts and culture are linked to politics in many ways, good and bad. In a capitalist market economy, the drive for profit, and dominant ways of thinking and feeling, condition and constrain how they are created and enjoyed.
Culture matters. The arts and culture can resist, oppose and overcome constraint, alienation and oppression. They can promote awareness, arouse indignation, inspire creativity and imagination, and so help us ‘build Jerusalem’.
Culture matters. The arts and culture generally are a vital part of the struggle, the ‘mental fight’ as Blake puts it, to build a more democratic, equal, socialist society.
The website explores these topics of art, culture and progressive politics, in various ways.
We aim to:
publish relevant creative material (poems, images, music etc.)
publish relevant commentary and critical material (reviews, articles, blogs, interviews etc.)
to provide resources and tools to deepen awareness and appreciation of art and popular culture.
The editors would like to thank all the contributors for the material sent in to us. Mark Abel is a musician and a trade union activist. He... Continue reading
Welcome to Culture Matters I will not cease from mental fight Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand Till we have built Jerusalem In England’s green... Continue reading
Culture Matters Co-Operative LtdĀ has been running now for over 5 years. We continue to manage this website; run Bread and Roses Arts Awards; publish books and pamphlets;... Continue reading
Culture Matters Co-operative is a collective of writers, artists and activists who work together to promote cultural democracy. Culture includes all learned human activities, including the arts... Continue reading