“What do you think an artist is? He’s a political being, constantly alive to heartrending, fiery, or happy events, to which he responds in every way. No, painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war, for attack and defense against the enemy.”
Above image: Salmon Net Drying Rack, 1973. This photograph and all the others in this review are courtesy of the artist. Fixing Time is the title of a comprehensive exhibition... Continue reading
On the 250th anniversary of his birthday, Jenny Farrell writes about Caspar David Friedrich, September 5, 1774 – May 7, 1840 The French Revolution sparked great hopes... Continue reading
Nick Moss reviews Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and the Blue Rider, at the Tate Modern, London, to 20 October 2024. Image above: Wassily Kandinsky, Murnau – Johannisstrasse from a... Continue reading
Reading the Communist Party’s recent Class & Culture pamphlet led Ruth McCann to consider the diminishing space for women to socialise and create When it comes to... Continue reading
From its outset, International Women’s Day was characterized by the fight for peace, against militarism and war. At the Second International Conference of Socialist Women at Copenhagen... Continue reading